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Friday 21 May 2010

Scandals in eGreece!

eGreece was rocked by a series of scandals: Two former vice-Ministers of the Ministry of Young Players were accused and found guilty of embezzeling some thousands of Greek drachmas. Both the names of the guilty parties have been given to the public after a thourough investigation. The affair caused much disgust within the populace and has shaken its faith in the political parties (one of those found guilty was the head of a large party and former candidate for the Presidency.

At the same time a saudid affair of an attempted blackmail against a (said) holder of multiple accounts has caused deep divisions in eGreek society, with some accusing the blackmailer, some accusing the multier and most just being disgusted! The same affair has at its heart the military groups that dominate Greek poblic discource, and their role in politics...

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